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Meet Team Dial, Participating in Memory of Pastor Steven Dial Sr., MMRF 2024 Walk/Run: Atlanta Spirit of Hope Honoree

Pastor Steven Dial Sr.’s was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in October of 2022, and over the course of the next 10 months, he faced an incredibly challenging and courageous journey. Despite the aggressive nature of the disease, he remained steadfast in his faith and commitment to serving others. The treatments were grueling, often leaving him physically drained, yet he never allowed the illness to diminish his spirit or his desire to continue ministering to his congregation. Even on the toughest days, he pushed through the pain and fatigue, always focusing on uplifting those around him. His strength, determination, and unwavering trust in God throughout this difficult period left an indelible mark on all who witnessed his fight. Though his body weakened, his heart and hope never faltered, serving as a powerful example of perseverance, faith, and love in the face of life’s most trying circumstances.

How did you get involved with the MMRF?  

Our family became involved with the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) after my father, Pastor Steven Dial Sr., was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Initially, we sought answers and support for the battle we were facing. The MMRF not only provided vital information about the disease but also became a source of hope and community. My father was passionate about raising awareness and supporting research, knowing that it could help others battling the same disease. It was important to him to contribute to a cause that was pushing forward in finding a cure.

Why did you choose to participate in the MMRF Walk/Run? 

We chose to participate in the MMRF Walk/Run to honor my father’s fight and legacy. He always believed in being active and doing what he could to make a difference in his community, and this event allowed us to continue that mission. Participating also helped us feel like we were fighting alongside him and other families affected by multiple myeloma. The walk became not only an opportunity to raise funds for critical research but also to show that, even in the face of illness, we can still be a part of something bigger that brings hope and healing to others.

The Spirit of Hope is given to “individuals/groups who inspire hope and show extraordinary commitment to the MMRF.” What does being given the award mean to you? 

Receiving the Spirit of Hope Award in honor of my father is a deep and profound recognition of the way he lived his life. For him, hope wasn’t just a word—it was a guiding principle. He inspired everyone around him to keep believing, keep pushing, and never lose faith in God’s plan. To me, this award is a reminder of his unwavering spirit in the face of adversity and a continuation of the legacy he left behind. It’s a testimony to how his life continues to inspire hope in others, even after his passing.

How have you found perseverance in light of obstacles? Please share any stories that have given you strength. 

Perseverance has always been deeply rooted in my faith and the example my father set. Watching him face multiple myeloma with such strength, grace, and determination has given me the courage to face my own challenges. I remember, even on his hardest days, he never lost his optimism or his desire to uplift those around him. He continued to preach, lead, and care for our congregation despite the toll the disease was taking on his body. That resilience reminds me that obstacles are temporary, but the impact we leave on others is lasting. I draw strength from knowing that if he could endure his fight with such grace, then I, too, can persevere through life’s difficulties.

Do you have a favorite mantra, quote, or lyric that gives you strength?  

One of the scriptures that has always given my family strength is 1 Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” This verse was a cornerstone of my father’s life and ministry. It reminds me that no matter what obstacles we face, faith sustains us, hope drives us forward, and love—the greatest of all—keeps us connected to one another and to God. In times of struggle, I find strength knowing that love remains, even through loss, and it continues to inspire hope for the future.

Anything to add?     

I would just add that while my father is no longer with us, his spirit lives on in the fight to find a cure for multiple myeloma. I believe that every step taken, every dollar raised, and every effort to raise awareness honors his memory and all the others affected by this disease. It’s my hope that we continue to inspire others to join the cause and that someday we’ll celebrate not just the hope for a cure—but the reality of one.

The MMRF is delighted to recognize to recognize Team Dial in memory of Pastor Steven Dial Sr. as the MMRF Spirit of Hope Honoree at the 2024 MMRF Team for Cures: Atlanta Walk/Run. Donate to Team Dial today to accelerate a cure!

This award is presented at every Walk/Run to a patient, caregiver, or family who inspires hope through their resilience, perseverance, and dedication to the MMRF and its mission.