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Meet Team Papa JJ (In honor of Douglas J.J. Peters), MMRF 2024 Walk/Run: Washington, D.C. Spirit of Hope Honoree


How did you get involved with the MMRF?  

Team Papa JJ was formed nearly two years ago for the 2022 MMRF Walk/Run: Washington, DC. Douglas J.J. Peters, affectionately known as “Papa JJ” by his grandchildren, was a few months into his multiple myeloma diagnosis.

Why did you choose to participate in the MMRF Walk/Run?

Doug’s diagnosis forced him to step away from work and receive fatiguing treatments at home. He loved working with people and took pride in his fitness, so his newfound isolation and weakness proved to be an adjustment. When he became aware of the MMRF Walk/Run in the county he called home, he jumped at the chance to join.

He took to social media to make his multiple myeloma battle public while inviting others to join in, posting “My diagnosis and path to remission inspire me to do what I can to help others fight this cancer and to further accelerate efforts toward better treatments and a cure for multiple myeloma.”

The event offered the opportunity to: set a fitness goal, walking a 5k route under his own power after months of bed rest; connect with friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones he had not been able to see; and most importantly, join other patients to HELP FIGHT multiple myeloma TOGETHER!

Together at the 2022 and 2023 MMRF walks, Team Papa JJ raised over $45,000 and rallied over 175 walkers!

The MMRF walks gave Doug great joy, pride, and most of all, hope. He bonded with other patients who had been living with multiple myeloma for years or even decades. They eagerly showered him with encouragement and inspiration.

Unfortunately, Doug passed due to complications from his treatments a few days after Christmas this past year. He was surrounded by his family and loved ones.

The Spirit of Hope is given to “individuals/groups who inspire hope and show extraordinary commitment to the MMRF.” What does being given the award mean to you?

Team Papa JJ is honored to receive the Spirit of Hope award. Participating in the MMRF walk was Doug’s idea, and meeting other patients leading fulfilling lives while fighting myeloma gave him great hope. His choice to actively fight against the cancer with others instead of bemoaning his situation inspired donors and walkers alike to join the fight. We see the award as a public acknowledgment of the inspiring fight we saw in private, and we are grateful for the recognition. We hope teams and participants in this year’s Walk/Run are able to take advantage of the event’s unique opportunity to bring people together in the name of optimism, hope, and love to continue the fight against multiple myeloma.

How have you found perseverance in light of obstacles? Please share any stories that have given you strength.

Doug was a strong, competitive man by nature who thrived on challenge and helping people. Whatever he chose to do, he was going to give 110%! It was wonderful to see Doug combine his fighting spirit with his strong fundraising capability to fund the fight and find a cure. The endeavor gave him joy and purpose.

Doug knew he could only do so much to control the cancer, so he set out to control each day. When his body was at its weakest, his mind was at its strongest, and he remained driven. He learned to set smaller, more manageable goals he could complete each day. These included knocking five things off his “to do” list daily and beginning each day reading scripture during his 20-minute Peloton ride. Doug persevered through faith and bountiful HOPE, exhibiting humility, grit and grace throughout his battle. He vowed never to let multiple myeloma break his spirit. With hope, he fought to the end.

Does your team have a favorite mantra, quote, lyric that gives you strength?

Doug was a man of faith and an avid movie fan, making it fitting to include his favorite Bible verses alongside a quote from his favorite film.

“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:14–17).

“What we do in life, echoes in eternity” (Maximus Decimus Meridius, Gladiator)

The Team Papa JJ In honor of Douglas J.J. Peters, MMRF 2024 Walk/Run: Washington, D.C. Spirit of Hope Honoree. Donate to Team Papa JJ as they accelerate a cure in Douglas’ memory.

This award is presented at every Walk/Run to a patient, caregiver, or family who inspires hope through their resilience, perseverance, and dedication to the MMRF and its mission.