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Meet Susan Speer, the Spirit of Hope Honoree for the Inaugural MMRF Walk/Run: Houston


How did you get involved with the MMRF? 

When I was diagnosed in 2006, we had never heard of multiple myeloma, but had several doctors in our lives who suggested we research it. We found the MMRF. The MMRF was a tremendous resource and helped us answer many questions and find where the best treatment would be. And thanks to the great support, I was treated at the Myeloma Institute for Research & Therapy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. And now, in a full circle moment, my daughter, Pam, is working with the MMRF as the Vice- President of Development!

Why did you choose to participate in the MMRF Walk/Run? 

It’s very important for me to do things to give back since I feel so blessed to be cured. And because of monies that have been raised over the years for research, more and more people will have more treatment options.

The Spirit of Hope is given to “individuals/groups that inspire hope and show extraordinary commitment to the MMRF.” What does being given the award mean to you? 

After the initial shock of being diagnosed and not knowing what the outcome would be, I am very honored to be able to stand on the stage and say thank you to those who have supported me and others who are on this same journey. Hope and faith were a part of my journey, which was centered on my family, friends, children, and grandchildren. I share this hope and honor with the doctors, nurses, and researchers who were a part of my world and will never be forgotten.

How have you found perseverance in light of obstacles? Please share any stories that have given you strength. 

One of my nurses told me that the body is born well—it is always working hard to not be sick. It is fighting every day for you to be the best that you can be!! Even when you lose your hair, the medicine is doing its job, too!!! Focus on the thing/things that make you the happiest!!

Whenever I was scared or feeling uneasy, Dr. Barlogie always held my hands, looked me straight in the eye, and said, “Don’t worry, we’re going to take very good care of you.”

Do you have a favorite mantra, quote, lyric that gives you strength?  

No, but the psychologist I worked with always said when you wake up, go into the bathroom, look in the mirror, and acknowledge the day and how you are feeling. Then put on your lipstick, put on your hat, and notice that you are dressed (“put your battle gear on”) and ready for the day.

Anything to add?     

For everything they have done, I want to thank my medical team in Little Rock, my Houston oncologist Dr. Susan Escudier, my friends, my precious family (especially my sister Judy), Dr. Paul Gerson, and most of all, my husband Richard. And, in gratitude, I now volunteer as a mentor to other patients who have been diagnosed with myeloma to help them on their journey.

The MMRF is delighted to recognize Susan Speer as the MMRF Spirit of Hope Honoree at the 2024 MMRF Walk/Run: Houston.  Donate to Susan’s MMRF Walk/Run page to accelerate a cure today!

This award is presented at every Walk/Run to a patient, caregiver, or family who inspires hope through their resilience, perseverance, and dedication to the MMRF and its mission.